
Eavestroughing - Spring Care

Category: Spring
Summary: There is no doubt about it; spring is the time of year that you think about your eavestroughing the most with all the snow melting.

There is no doubt about it; spring is the time of year that you think about your eavestroughing the most with all the snow melting. To ensure that your eavestroughing is working to its maximum potential, it is best to inspect all the flashing and shingle overhang. Check to see if your downspouts are properly attached to the outlet from the eaves themselves, the heavy snow and ice can sometimes detach them. Also make sure that your downspouts extensions are attached so that the water is flowing away from your house foundation. Taking soapy water and a soft cloth will bring back the original finish of your continuous eavestrough without having to paint them.

Marathon Eavestroughling Ltd.

Call for a free in-home estimate...

Phone: 250-964-2544   
Toll-Free: 1-800-964-2544
870 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC

" Just want you to know how much we are enjoying our deck and patio cover. Rain or snow no longer hinders my love of barbequing. We're proud to show off our new deck — you too should be proud of your workers who did an outstanding job! Thank you and we will happily recommend you to our friends and family. "

~Dan & Shauney